Monday, April 7, 2008

Back to normal

Everything is finally back to normal here at home. Lilly Bug is back to her sweet and sassy little self and I am all caught up in school. We're just trying to keep Lilly at home as much as we can right now due to all the sickness still in the air. The weather is very nice but we are scared that if she is outdoors to much, then pollen will get her allergies started and we don't want a repeat sickness no time soon! Nothing has really been going on around here, just hanging out. School will be out in about two months. I love summer break because the LiL Bug is all mine =] I get to be with her all day long. In the school year, I get so busy and its like I barely ever see her. Thats why I can't wait until summer time! Well thats all of the update I've got for now...not much I know. I hope you are all doing great!

What a face =] Sorry about the snotty nose, thats pretty much how its been the past month :\


mommy24treasures said...

so glad things are good! Love your past few pics!

Ashton said...

Glad things are back to normal for you guys!! Love the pix!!