Sunday, April 27, 2008

It's been awhile.

Hey guys, sorry about the lack of blogging for this long period of time. School is almost over and then I am good to go for summer! I will be back on a regular basis, hopefully! I am not working this summer because I just want free time. I feel pretty fortunate that I don't have to, all of my friends are going to be working this summer. I want to spend a lot of time with my Little Bug =] I want to be able to take her out to the pool, the park, and she would love to go to the zoo! I look forward to doing all these big sister things with her!! I really miss her during the school year, I don't see her near as much as I want to because I am always so busy. There really isn't anything new going on in Lilly's world..but we do have big news at the other blog!

Have a great week!

Lilly Jayde being silly in Mommy's new car!

Bryson [adopted 4-3-06] and Lilly being silly. She didn't want to pose for the camera.


Jie Jie to Sarah Lu and Chayah Ru said...

Aww! Lilly is so pretty!! I can't wait for summer too! School keeps me very busy and I can't wait til summer when I can spend more time with Sarah! :) What is the new news? I went to Annie's blog, but I couldn't see any new posts. I'm dying to know! =D

Lexie said...

Hey!! AHH! Summer i can't WAIT!

Ok, i am not seeing the new post either...and i am pretty much dying over here too!


Lauren and Ed said...

Lilly gets more gorgeous everytime I see her picture!

Ashton said...

Lilly is beautiful!!! I can not wait until Summer!!! I am dying for it to get here and be done with school for 4 months!!! I didn't see the post over Annie I cant wait to hear!!!